Success Stories from Fas-Line Services, Inc.
Backup & Disaster Recovery
The client recently experienced a worst-case business scenario – a fire in their Administration facility. The fire destroyed all of the office, computer and telephone areas. The next day was Easter Sunday. The payroll processing deadline was the following Monday.
The on-call Cynergy engineer contacted the managed services client immediately. The Fire Department had not finished extinguishing the fire when Cynergy began working to get systems online and operational.
From a temporary office in a trailer, the client had access to critical systems via cloud copies of the servers and was able to process payroll. Cynergy provided loaner equipment and added more computers/services to the temporary location as the week progressed.
“I was extremely pleased with the response time and ease that Cynergy was able to get Fas-Line back up and running. They were persistent in getting our company a running system so we could continue to work. Over the next few weeks, they dedicated many, many hours onsite to work out the kinks in having a virtual set-up and were able to get Fas-Line operating efficiently. We appreciate all the hard work and the team effort.”
Clint Scudday
President Fas-Line Services, Inc.
Disaster recovery planning is becoming more critical as security breaches and network outages have become common threats, and the cost of downtime has steadily increased. But understanding the components of a comprehensive plan can be intimidating.
Backups are typically performed on a daily basis to ensure necessary data retention at one or more locations, for the single purpose of copying data. Planning a backup routine is relatively simple since typically the only goal is to restore the file.
Disaster recovery requires knowing the maximum amount of time the business can be without IT systems. A complete disaster recovery strategy requires additional planning, including determining what systems are considered mission critical, creating a recovery order and environment and most importantly, a way to perform a valid test.
The overall benefits and importance of a Backup and DR plan are to mitigate risk and downtime, maintain compliance and avoid outages. Let us help you determine what solution makes sense for your business needs.
Want to know what we can do for you?
Tyler: 903-581-7000
Longview: 903-757-5900