Texas Cyberstar Certificate Program
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Call us Today

Tyler: 903-581-7000
Longview: 903-757-5900

Success Stories from Financial Services

Compliance & Evaluation


An organization in the financial services industry requested that Cynergy coordinate testing their network security. As an organization under multiple federal regulatory requirements, the client must also conduct outside audits of their operations, including information security as a major compliance component.


Cynergy Technology contracted with a leading provider of financial security testing who quickly found over 40,000 weaknesses in the client’s current system. Over the next year, we worked with the client to remediate these issues in order of severity.


After the year of correction, we coordinated another security testing. The over 40,000 problems were reduced to only nine; all of which were quickly corrected or represented very low risk to the organization.

“Cynergy is more than a local service provider. We are also an extremely effective service broker. Through our relationships with other technology specialists, we can bring global resources to the table. We define the project, negotiate the price, outline the scope of work, oversee contractors and deliver the results so you can get back to running your business.”

Kevin Roper, MBA
Chief Operating Officer Cynergy Technology

Regulatory Compliance

Compliance with security and privacy rules can often be tedious, confusing and downright frustrating. We assist in managing the compliance process so you can get back to running your organization.

Compliance-Specific Documents

Most regulations include a list of specific documents – and documentation – that the client must produce and maintain. Our assessments are keyed on those documents.

Regular Comprehensive Compliance Assessments

Using a combination of network and computer data-gathering and questionnaires, we discover and report on every issue of non-compliance, providing a specific remediation plan.

Ongoing Compliance Services

Schedule us to run regular assessments to detect any new issues of non-compliance and take corrective action.

Assistance With Audits

In the event of an audit, our process continually collects and archives the evidence of compliance in one place, making it a snap to respond.

Want to know what we can do for you?


Tyler: 903-581-7000
Longview: 903-757-5900




Fax: 903-581-7629



Fax: 903-757-8657